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AKO Transport- und Speditions GmbH

Reliability and trust are fundamental for a working co operation.

AKO - Ich fahre für Sie
Aufgrund eines Aufbaus eines weiteren Unternehmens in Skandinavien werden unsere Website demnächst aktualsieren.

Our Young Fleet Is Always Ready For You

Traditonal family business since 1980 in the national and international cargo load traffic and Trailer Trucking as of North German east seaports Western Europe far active.

High modern fleet with trained specialist staff.

The AKO Transport- und Speditions GmbH stands for a competent execution of the orders proved by durable and strictly neutral cooperation with the partners.

Since 2007 the Karl-Heinz Kohn Internationale Spedition, founded 1963, was incorporated into the AKO Transport- und Speditions GmbH.

Your application will be in experienced hands

Become an Ako Driver

With us you will drive secure to the future!

Fahrer werden
  • Up-to-date truck fleet
  • According to the social regulations
  • Family directed business
  • Reliable solvency
  • Periodical drivers training